This is the 1st of a 5 part series on financial literacy
Episode Title: Uncover your untapped resources to grow your finances.
BIO: Moshe Kohn Director of International Branch Development at Mesila guides, lectures, and trains coaches for Mesila, an international organization that educates people about maintaining financial stability and self-sufficiency Early in his career Moshe discovered the power of taking charge of your finances and the power of discovering individuals untapped potential to climb the financial ladder.
In this interview:
- Is the Yiddishe lifestyle financially realistic?
- Budgeting and building a financial plan
- The Commitment issue
- To grow your income get out of your comfort zone
- Grow Your Value
- Overcoming pitfalls

R’ Moishe Kohn is interviewed in the Crown Heights Young Entrepreneurs’s monthly K-factor podcast, by founder Rabbi Yehoshua Werde. R’ Moishe Kohn of Mesila shares valuable insights to help aspiring entrepreneurs and career people turn their ambitions into reality.