I am writing this email to let you know how life changing our meetings with our Mesila coach have been. My husband and I have been working with him and he has helped us gain tremendous insight and control of our finances. We are in a much better position today than when we first started due to the Mesila coach and your wonderful organization who provided us with the tools we need to make responsible financial decisions.
Thank you so much and may you continue your great and vitally important work.

A whole class on how to shop! It was the most popular class of our secular studies department!
My daughter, who took the course, last year, came home with retirement advice for my wife and me!
We loved it! And Mrs. Golden was the perfect teacher for the class.
Thanks so much!
All the best,

"Thank you so much!
I really enjoyed completing all the work involved. I have already gained back the cost of the course. At long last, I finish the month without a constant minus of ten thousand shekels! I learned many things I did not know before, such as insights on credit cards. All the booklets are very clear and practical. Every home must learn the Mesila way. These days with so many credit and payment options available it can become so confusing and people may end up with financial problems!"

"We are very impressed in the way the material is presented — very, very clearly, and above all, in simple, effective language so there is no need for any particular familiarity or expertise to understand it. In my opinion, the “Kupah” has a lot to learn from Mesila. With permission, I’d like to pass the material on to them... I want to ask them to contact you on the subject... I assume that this involves a great deal of energy, effort, and time."

"Thank you so much for this workshop. It has really improved my quality of life!"

"You have truly opened my eyes.
May you be repaid in kind from Above."
Our wonderful Mesila coach helped us to be far more aware of my financial situation,
and to make better, more responsible choices moving forwards. This allowed us to
achieve some of the things we wanted but thought we could not afford. In doing so, our
shalom bayis was very positively affected since money had become a point of tension
between us, but the coach helped us approach these issues as a team, together, and
gave us the freedom to take steps that worked for both of us. I highly recommend Mesila
for everyone - we 'got all our money back' in the amount we saved after only 6 meetings,
and we have developed a new understanding of our options.
Real FamilyU.K.
At a charity event when they asked for 50 a month commitment, I was the first to commit.
I knew my income and outgoings and it was such a gishmak for me to do
something I was never able to do before.
We are intelligent enough and could do all this on our own, but it is like the gym; if you
do not go there, you do not do it. We would not have achieved this without Mesila.
Happy Familyjust like you
The only regret you have will be why you did not contact them earlier. Mesila staff have an
absolute understanding of the pressures faced in our community regarding expenditure
and a sensitive and caring attitude in helping couples to make the right decisions.
The road to financial probity is not an easy one , difficult choices need to be made, but
with the help that Mesila provides, hishtadlus and bitachon we are confident that we
can make the changes we need to be able to achieve our goals.
Forget any feelings of guilt for having got you where you are today, Mesila is about
positive affirmations and positive steps to move forwards in the right direction.
I can't recommend the Mesila Family Coaching service highly enough.
Don't waittill later
This course is becoming so interactive and exciting I really look forward to it!
I loved doing role play part and to see how I am becoming a better listener with implementing the listening, emotional bank account and reflecting techniques.
I created a vision a while ago (after a speech) and it is soo POWERFUL, it created strong change not only in the financial aspects . Thanks for this great idea!
I know exactly how to spend and what and where. ( I moved a few weeks ago and had all planned out how much it will cost me and we actually went less than the projected amount) we will meet with a financial advisor how to diversify our savings.
Kol hakavod and I'm so excited to continue this course and see where it will lead me in life!
Coach Training CourseSF
Thank you so much for all your help. every time we have a session, we see more bracha. BH my husband was booked solid this week, four music jobs!!
Brooklyncoached by Alan
We got married right about three years ago. The day after sheva brochos my father dropped off a Mesila guide. I learnt it well and Baruch Hashem I'm proud to say we’ve always had control of our spendings. Before my wedding I had no clue about budgeting or controlled spending. Thank you for your great service.
Mesila’s programme creates awareness amongst the community about living a truthful and honest life by being financially aware of one’s situation. Financial knowledge in itself is empowering and enables each of us to plan for unforeseeable and unpredictable situations that we will certainly encounter in our lifetime. Mesila will help each of us through the process in a simple step-by-step process that is easy to understand and liberating to follow and embrace
Josh LeitnerUK
Mesila coaches help people find their way to better financial outcomes, using the abilities and incomes that they already have.
Mike S.UK
Mesila is a professional coaching process that empowers families to live with peace of mind by providing the necessary tools for a couple to attain financial stability and independence.
Mesila empower people to aspire to and attain financial stability
we do this by creating awareness of ones finances and - if necessary - using coaching to encourage clients to break barriers preventing them from doing what it takes to improve their situation.
Imagine a world where people live within their budget, don’t have debt and are at peace with their finances! Step by step, Mesila is providing Education, coaching, and resources, to turn this into a reality!
Mesila will make you that you should be financial stability and you should have streamline income and you shouldn't fall in to debt and like this you will have a vary happy and healthy life
Mesila is an amazing step by step program teaching families how to gain financial stability in their life..
Mesila offers steps to financial stability by giving families the tools for financial independence. It’s a process that’s about the client, tailored to the individual families, offering ideas for ways to increase income, streamline expenses, and get rid of debt, so the families can achieve their financial dreams.
Mesilah's coaching process helps you bring what YOU already know into a clear and manageable picture!
As in Mesilas yesharim, there may not be many chiddushim, but the chazara in an organized fashion will enable you to take the steps you already considered to fruition be"H!
Mesila provides a coach to help you unblock obstacles from obtaining your visions.Through the process you will find clarity and solutions in what is bothering you and remove frustrations and vagueness in your finances and wants in life.