Mesila Events, News, and Activity

BMG Newlyweds Dec 8, 2020
Dec 8, 2020 was our sixth annual BMG Mesila Financial Responsibility seminar for Newlywed yungerleit at Woodlake. As usual, it was a huge success. We

Financial Tranquility Mesila UK – May 5, 2020
Details forthcoming Financial Tranquility in a Storm of Uncertainty An informative & insightful presentation covering two topics: 1. Creating a financial plan – the key

Webinar USA March 31 2020 FREE Mesila Tonight, Tuesday Night Webinar.8pm E.S.T.Hosted by: Eliyahu PreroGuest Co-Host: Shulom Abramczyk, Coordinator of Lakewood MesilaTopics will include:1. Top economic difficulties families encounter2.

Webinar UK March 25, 2020, 8:15pm UK time
Financial Tranquility in a Storm of Uncertainty An informative & insightful presentation covering two topics: 1. Creating a plan – the key points to building

Hebrew Webinar Monday 8:30pm IT
כל מה שאתה צריך לדעת על ניהול כלכלי נבון לחודש הקרוב בשבועות האחרונים עם ישראל והעולם כולו עומד בפני אתגר לא פשוט ‘מגפת הקורונה’, אך האתגר

Thank you letter
From a participant of a Mesila 6-Part Personal-Finance Workshop BH Now that… I can ‘afford’ the luxury of sitting and writing long emails. Thank you

The Mesila Approach.
A letter written to Mishpacha by R’ Shmuli Margulies, Mesila’s chairman. Click here to view the letter in its full version The Conversation Continues –

Students Matter, Money Matters
Please contact us to preview Mesila’s educational material

6-Part Workshop – Romema
Gain the tools and insight you need to TAKE CONTROL OF YOUR FINANCES! With R’ MOISHE KOHNMesila Coach and Coach Supervisor The Mesila Home Finance 6-part Workshop

Mesila Shabbos #3
For the third year running, we will be”H be designating this Shabbos, the week after Pesach, (29 Nissan/May 4), when many Jews have the annual custom of preparing a key-shaped “Schlissel challah” as a segulah for parnassah, as the Mesila Shabbos. Our aim is to integrate financial stability awareness into the lives of more and more families around the world.

Money Matters
Money Matters Discover the attitudes & actions to create long term financial stability

Mesila Shabbos #2
Following last year’s successful launch b”H, we designated the Shabbos a week after Pesach, (29 Nissan/April 14) as the second annual “Mesila Shabbos.” Shuls around the
Mesila’s Annual Dinner: B’Mesila Naaleh 9 – Journal
A Book of Appreciation for Mesila Activists and Supporters
Now available on Amazon worldwide!
Money. It’s the solution to – and the cause of – so many of life’s problems. But what matters is not how much of it
מכתב אישי מאת הרב ישראל גוטמן – מנהל מחלקת משפחות במסילה: שלום וברכה, כמנהל תחום משפחות בארגון ‘מסילה’, אני עוסק כבר מזה למעלה מ-15 שנה
A Message from Mesila to Jewish Communities Worldwide
A Message from Mesila to Jewish Communities Worldwide Lately, there has been a great deal of interest expressed by Jewish communities across the world in