Mesila Introduces Belz Yeshiva Bachurim in Bnei Brak to Financial Management
On July 28, 2015, in Bnei Brak, 200 Belz yeshiva bachurim were introduced to the concept of sound financial management by noted Mesila lecturer Rabbi Lazer Carmel. The young men were eager to know how it is possible to live without loans, wondered how does one go about making a safe investment . . . […]
Mesila Hosts Seminar for Newly Married Men in Modi’in Ilit
As part of our Chasanim program educating engaged and newly married men about financial independence, we hosted an evening seminar for Boyaner Hasidim in Modi’in Ilit. 80 young men participated in the program. The young men’s eyes were opened to a whole new approach to financial management. Many expressed interest in follow-up, requesting a hands-on […]
Mesila Runs Family Counselor Training Course
Mesila ran an intensive , family counselor training course at the premises of Kivun in Jerusalem. Without advertising, Mesila managed to fill the lecture room with over 50 participants-men and women. Candidates underwent an interview process and were required to have some background in coaching and/or financial counseling. The 6 meeting course was delivered […]
Mesila and Maof for New Businesses
On July 20, 2015, Maof, the Finance Ministry’s Organization for Assisting Small and Medium Size Businesses, sponsored a seminar in Modi’in Ilit for potential new business owners. Moshe Elias, director of Mesila’s Business Division, was invited by Maof to lecture at the event, enrichng particpants with his knowledge and experience regarding the opportunities and challenges facing new […]
Noshmim l’Revacha: Mesila in conjunction with municipal Welfare Departments
Noshmim l’Revacha: Mesila was chosen by Welfare Departments of Bnei Brak, Modi’in Illit, Beitar Illit and Elad to provide services through a new national initiative. Grassroots, inner-driven, Mesila is the go-to organization to deal with the Haredi population. Over the years, we have cultivated a solid reputation within the municipalities of Haredi cities for being […]
Smart Economic Tips Begin in Kindergarten
On Tuesday, July 14, 2015, Mrs. A. Elias of Mesila spoke at a conference for kindergaten teachers sponsored by the exclusive toy store, L T Didactic Toys. Mrs. Elias spoke about two important topics: Smart Economic Tips Begin in Kindergarten Tools for Smart Administration of the Kindergarten Budget The conference took place at the Techeles […]
90 Minute Foundation to Financial Stability – Lakewood Seminar
On July 22, 2015, Mesila Lakewood hosted a seminar called “90 Minute Foundation to Financial Stability” for newlyweds, for those marrying off children and for everyone in between! Over 100 people participated, some coming from as far as Brooklyn, NY. Veteran Mesila Lakewood counselor Rabbi Boruch Yechiel Schreiber opened the evening by encouraging and strengthening […]
Mesila Presents with FTMI in the 5 Towns
On Sunday June 21st at the Young Israel of Wavecrest & Bayswater, Mesila presented at a Five Towns Marriage Initiative (FTMI) program entitled “Resolving Family Financial Challenges, Investing in Marital Bonds”. The program was designed to address the challenges couples face from the extraordinary financial burdens of our time. Keynote speaker Morris Smith, former manager of […]

Millions for Chesed took place June 2-3, 2015. Thanks to your generosity and shared enthusiasm, thousands of individuals, families, businesses and students will be”H be empoweredtowards financial stability and independence, creating a healthier future for our society. Thanks to all of you who: donated generously volunteered their time, energy and contacts spread the good word […]
Evening for Chatanim
Over 70 young men participated in Mesila’s evening for chatanim and young newlywed men on Monday, May 25, 2015, on the topic: Proper Administration and Wise Economics. The event, which took place in the hall of the Kedushas Hatorah Talmud Torah in Jerusalem, was specially planned in answer to a letter from a young man who […]