From Here and There
Mesila’s U.S. director, R. Alan Rosenstock, recently visited Mesila’s offices in Jerusalem for working sessions with the international staff. Rosenstock stated his intention to increase the number of schools in the U.S. that teach the Mesila curriculum.
Branching Out in Brooklyn
Newly-trained Mesila counselors in Brooklyn met with Mesila chairman R. Shmuli Margulies (center) on his recent visit to the U.S. Brooklyn branch director R. Eli Levy reports that the counselors have already begun working with families.
The Secret is Out . . .
How can you earn more each month? Find out in Secrets of Income Enhancement¸ a step-by-step, interactive guide (in Hebrew) to analyzing one’s abilities and talents, and using them for increasing one’s income. Produced by Baruch Feiger of Mesila’s Income Enhancement Program, this guide is available by email upon request to [email protected]
Mesila in YOUR Neighborhood
To reduce dependence on local tzdedakah, Kupat HaShechuna tzedakah funds in three locations – Har Nof, Neve Yaakov and Beit Shemesh – are teaming up with Mesila to promote financial responsibility and change lives through a new Mesila program called “Mesila B’Shchuna” (Mesila in the Neighborhood). In each location, Mesila is presenting public financial literacy workshops […]
Who Are You Going to Call 24/6? MesilaPhone: 02-80-30-222
Attention, Israeli friends of Mesila! Information and advice on a wide range of financial topics is now just a phone call away, thanks to MesilaPhone! Now, 1 ½ months after its inception, 5078 people have called…and benefitted. This new Mesila service gives you access to lectures by top Mesila lecturers – in Hebrew or English […]
Becoming a Chosson in Chevron Just Got Better
Mesila’s educational empowerment program for chossonim has reached the elite Chevron Yeshiva – where 22 engaged and newlywed students uncovered the world of personal finance and acquired life skills with great interest at a two-session Mesila workshop. “It is clear that managing home finances in a responsible and organized way, with the ability granted by […]
A Lot to Celebrate
At the eighth annual B’Mesila Naaleh dinner ,Rabbi Yisrael Meir Lau, former Chief Rabbi of Israel, inspired hundreds of Mesila supporters, friends and activists. The gala event at Binyanei Hauma in Jerusalem featured a fascinating look at the varied communities served by Mesila, along with moving personal testimonials from people whose lives were changed by […]
Mesila’s Annual Dinner: B’Mesila Naaleh 8
To order tickets to the dinner, please click here. We are now accepting greetings and ads for the B’Mesila Naaleh journal. To place your order, please click on one of the following: US ad blank Canadian ad blank UK ad blank Israel ad blank With warm friendship and deep appreciation, it is our pleasure to […]
Jerusalem Coaching Course, November 2016
Lighting Sparks at Aish

Responding to a request from the Chief Financial Officer of the Aish HaTorah yeshiva in the Old City of Jerusalem, Mesila ran a workshop that introduced Aish staff and students to Mesila’s approach to smart family finances. Held at the Aish HaTorah campus, with 45 men and women participating, the workshop was taught by Mesila’s […]