• עברית

The Mesila Approach.

A letter written to Mishpacha by R’ Shmuli Margulies, Mesila’s chairman. Click here to view the letter in its full version The Conversation Continues – click to view on mishpacha.com or see below:

6-Part Workshop – Romema

Gain the tools and insight you need to TAKE CONTROL OF YOUR FINANCES! With R’ MOISHE KOHNMesila Coach and Coach Supervisor The Mesila Home Finance 6-part Workshop will start again in Jerusalem  6 meetings Sundays 8:30pm, starting after PesachLocation: Sha’arei Ha’ir (near the Tachana merkazit)For men and women – separate seating with a mechitza/refreshments A ONE-TIME OPPORTUNITY! SPACE IS LIMITEDIts’ […]

Mesila Shabbos #3

For the third year running, we will be”H be designating this Shabbos, the week after Pesach, (29 Nissan/May 4), when many Jews have the annual custom of preparing a key-shaped “Schlissel challah” as a segulah for parnassah, as the Mesila Shabbos. Our aim is to integrate financial stability awareness into the lives of more and more families around the world.

Money Matters

Money Matters Discover the attitudes & actions to create long term financial stability

Human Capital

Income Enhancement Seminar Join us for a night of empowerment