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The Junior HS Workbook is available in:
- Standard Edition
- Yeshiva Edition
- Sephardic Edition
- Sephardic Yeshiva Edition
The Mesivta Program is available in:
- Mesivta Program
- Metivta Program (Sephardic Edition)
Advanced High School Program is available in:
- Standard Edition
- Sephardic Edition
All programs include a teacher’s guide
A whole class on how to shop! It was the most popular class of our secular studies department!
My daughter, who took the course, last year, came home with retirement advice for my wife and me!
We loved it! And Mrs. Golden was the perfect teacher for the class.
Thanks so much!
All the best,
Today was our last Mesila class of the year and I just wanted to let you know that the students absolutely LOVED the program and learned so much. In their end-of-course assignments many of them expressed that they feel the course was so practical and the lessons they learned would stay with them for a long time and help them to stay on the correct financial path as they move through life. Hakaros Hatov from one grateful teacher who thought the written materials, Powerpoints, and support from your staff were exceptional. Wishing you continued hatzlocha!
I got married right about three years ago. The day after sheva brochos my father dropped off a Mesila Guide. I learnt it well and Baruch Hashem I'm proud to say we’ve always had control of our spendings. Before my wedding i had no clue about budgeting or controlled spending. Thank you for your great service.
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