Mesila Shabbos #2

Following last year’s successful launch b”H, we designated the Shabbos a week after Pesach, (29 Nissan/April 14) as the second annual “Mesila Shabbos.” Shuls around the world will be asked to share Mesila’s message of financial stability according to the Torah. This year’s theme focused on integrity in finances, a foundation of Torah life and also, […]

An Insightful Newsletter for the Mesila Coach- May 2018
Attention Kallahs!

A Wedding In The Making
Mesila’s Annual Dinner: B’Mesila Naaleh 9 – Journal
A Book of Appreciation for Mesila Activists and Supporters
Now available on Amazon worldwide!
Money. It’s the solution to – and the cause of – so many of life’s problems. But what matters is not how much of it you have; it’s how you manage it. This book will help you do just that. Read about real-life financial dilemmas and be surprised and encouraged by the advice, suggestions and […]