• עברית

Mesila’s Annual Dinner: B’Mesilah Naaleh 6

לוגו במסילה נעלה 6 באנגלית

On Tuesday evening, 8 Tevet 5775, Mesila, the worldwide organization that empowers families and businesses by putting them on the path to financial stability, held its annual dinner, B’Mesila Naaleh 6, at the Sakoya Hall in Maaleh Hachamishah. This annual event provides an opportunity to graciously show appreciation to Mesila supporters and friends and update them on Mesila’s work over the year.

B’Mesilah Naale 6 – The Sakoya Hall

Upon arrival, guests exchanged greetings while viewing an informative audio-visual presentation about Mesila’s programs. Everyone then took their seats in the dining hall, where a dinner journal and booklet of excerpts from Mesila’s upcoming publication, Your Business AND Your Life (in both Hebrew and English), was set at each place.

Shlomo Cohen entertaining Mesila guests

Accompanied by grand piano music, chassidic singer Shlomo Cohen and Yisrael Hershtik and his choir enhanced the evening with a spectacular musical performance, including the special Mesila songs “Tata’einu” and “Baal Habayit.”

Stylish table décor, gourmet dishes, exquisite flowers and colorful lighting contributed to the festive atmosphere.

Rabbi Lazer Carmel, Director of External Affairs, took the podium and opened the program with meaningful words of introduction about Mesila’s mission.

Rabbi Gedalia Litke, Director, Mesila Monsey, addressed the difference between yerusha/inheritance and moreshet/heritage, imparting an important message about the rights and obligations that are imposed upon each individual along with what he receives. Rabbi Shulem Abramczyk, Director, Mesila Lakewood, spoke warmly about his visit to the Jerusalem office, where he was impressed by the atmosphere of efficiency and caring, a rare combination that distinguishes all Mesila activities.

An enlightening video presentation, “A Look Across the Ocean,” featured vignettes of various American educators speaking about the Mesila curricula that they are implementing in their institutions.

Rabbi Dr. Tatz addressing Mesila guests

Rabbi Dr. Akiva Tatz, Shlita, Senior Lecturer, JLE, London, spoke eloquently about the different phases of life, describing how HaKadosh Baruch Hu supports us through trying beginnings until we gradually grow into independence. Guests at the dinner were captivated and encouraged by his presentation, which crystallized Mesila’s ideals.

Dr. Sam Deutsch, Business Division counselor, articulately shared his experiences as a Mesila volunteer. He told of how the professional, dedicated staff “does not offer you fish, but rather teaches you how to fish,” by guiding individuals in the proper ways to establish and maintain a business.

Mr. Moshe Elias, Director, Business Division, illustrated this point with the tale of two specific businesses, Blum Office and School Supplies and Perfect Systems, which both approached Mesila for assistance. He described the business owners’ initial disastrous positions and then related how Mesila empowered them to turn their situations around and generate thriving businesses. In a surprising and exhilarating twist, the microphone was then passed to these business owners, who emotionally expressed their profound gratitude to Mesila.

Motti Heller at work, illustrating the Mesila message

“The Mesila Way,” by Mr. Motti Heller, was a delightful combination of musical, visual and poetic ingenuity. With his magic brush, Heller mesmerized everyone by sketching images in real time, in sync with a grammen written expressly for Mesila. This unique performance was the perfect finishing touch to the evening.

Just before bentching, the men broke out in a spontaneous round of lively dancing, displaying the high optimism felt by all. Just as Mesila grants hope to individuals seeking financial stability, b’siyata d’Shmaya, the dinner guests went home buoyed by hope and inspired by Mesila’s record of past accomplishments and ambitious plans for the future.

A video of the evening’s highlights can be seen here.

A full length video of the B’Mesila Naaleh 6 can be seen here.



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